We can waterjet cut almost any material
With our most advanced ultra high pressure waterjet cutting technology we can cut almost any material up to 200 mm thick. Speak with Slake and our engineer can assist in material selection and quality powedercoating for specialty applications.
We stock a range of popular materials in a variety of thicknesses. If we dont have a particular material we can order it in through one of our suppliers.
Contact us to disucss your matrial requirements.
The following are typical materials we cut:
- Aluminium (all grades)
- Mild steel (all grades)
- Bisalloy & other wear plates
- Stainless steel (all grades)
- Titanium
- Exotic metals
- Gaskets and Plastics
- Brass
- Copper
- Stone
- Granite & Marbel
- Glass
- Ceramic tiles
- MDF and wood
- Plastic
- Rubber
- Bricks and Pavers
Which material to use
Material selection can be a difficult process as there are many factors to weigh up. Speak to us and our engineer can assist in selecting the right material for your applicaiton and most importantly budget.
Some of the factors to be considered are:
- Cost - there is a significant cost difference between materials and this is usually the main component of a projects overall cost.
- Corrosion resistance - materials have different properties which are desirable for a project such as corrosion resistance. Mild steel is not very corrosion resistant when copmared to 316 stainless steel. Speak to us slake waterjet cutting and our engineer can assist with an appropriate coating selection to give you the desiered cororsion resistance. We are part of the Slake Group and have a powder coating division see our website at SlakePowderCoating.com.au corrosion resistant coatings we can apply.
- Surface appearance - surface appearance can range from shiny to matt or rough and anything in between. Note we can coat your material in any powedercoat colour for more information visit our coating division at SlakePowderCoating.com.au
- Weight - Materials have significant weight defferences with Aluminium and titanium being the lightest. Note light weight doesnt always mean low strength.
- Strength -all materials have different strength properties. If material strength is one of your main requirements speak to us and our engineer can assist in selecting the strength withugh foregoing ductility.
- Weldability - all materials are different when it comes to welding. Some are more weldable than others and offer better cossison resistant welds which are less liketly to fail or crack when put under significant load. Slake Waterjet Cutting can help you choose the right mateial for your fabrication.
Material selection summary
Most projects can be created from aluminium, 304 stainless steel, mild steel, or clear acrylic. Our customers have found that each of these four materials has specific desirable properties.
Below is a chart that ranks the four materials comparing each based on cost, appearance, and strength. 4 is best, 1 is worst.